hurm.. hari neyh agak mndung n hujan pown renyai2 lorh!~ hurm..walo apa pown, terpaksa siapkan assignment dr abg afnan (yg kedua) mngenai seorang pendebat Islam yg tersohor.. Syeikh Ahmad Deedat..
pada mulanya, aku sndri x mngenali siapa ahmad deedat neyh.. tapi, setelah aku bertny kpd abg afnan (mase aku chat ngan dye gne ym) dya menaip ' ahmad deedat - seorang pendebat islam..dia boleh menagalahkan pemikir2 kristian..dye da bace smua kitab bible dan dye boleh pangkah smua paderi sampai ada paderi masuk Islam hasil usaha beliau.. beliau merupakan antara pendebat islam yg plg great..beliau penah pangkah paderi sampai paderi tersebut malu..n beliau dapat bezakan semua bnda dalam bible dan the only in the world dpt pertikaikan bible..'
so, itu ulasan panjang abg afnan kpd aku mlm td.. pd mulanya, hati aku teusik gak.. sbb betul ke?? aku x pnah dengar nama ahmad deedat neyh.. namun, setelah aku mncari n terus mncari dlm internet tanpa sempadan neyh.. akhirnya aku terjumpak la biodata ahmad deedat.. sbnarnya, tajuk assignment aku kali neyh ialah LATAR BELAKANG AHMAD DEEDAT DAN KESANNYA PADA MASYARAKAT ISLAM MELAYU SEKARANG'.. haa.. itu tajuknye..jadi..aku bertungkus lumus mncari apa2 mngenai ahmad deedat.. so, ini yg aku jmpak kay.,. maaf sbb edisi bhsa melayu x de..jd aku gne bi punya edisi..
Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (July 1, 1918–August 8, 2005) was an Indian-South African author, lecturer, and orator.[1] A Muslim, he was best known for his numerous inter-religious public debates with evangelical Christians, as well as lectures, most of which were centered around Islam, Christianity and the Bible. According to David Westerlund, Deedat aimed at providing Muslims with theological tools for defending themselves against the intense missionary strivings of many Christian denominations. He used English instead of Arabic or any other language to get his message across to Muslim minorities in the western world. [2]
Ahmed Deedat was born in Gujarat, India in 1918. His father had emigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat. At the age of 9, Deedat went to join his father in what is now known as Kwazulu-Natal. His mother died few months after Deedat left for South Africa. Applying himself with diligence to his studies, Deedat was able to overcome the language barrier and excel in school, getting promotions until he completed standard 6. But had to start working at the age of 16.
In 1936, while working as a furniture salesman Deedat came across missionaries at a Christian seminary on the Natal South Coast. In between the deep racial divides, the religious ideology was used by the authorities to numb and pacify the masses.[3] This is considered to be a major influence on Deedat's interest in comparative religions.
Sheikh Deedat credited his inspiration to be a book entitled "Izhar ul-Huqq", meaning "Truth Revealed", written by Rahmatullah Kairanhvi, which he had read while working at a Muslim owned furniture store near a Christian seminary on the Natal Coast of South Africa. In particular the idea of holding debates had a profound effect on Deedat who then purchased his first Bible and began holding debates and discussions with trainee missionaries, whose questions he had previously been unable to answer.
Deedat's first lecture, entitled "Muhammad: Messenger of Peace", was delivered in 1942 to an audience of fifteen people at a Durban movie theatre named Avalon Cinema.[3] Within a short space of time, attendance grew.[citation needed]
Among Deedat's close friends were Goolam Hoosein Vanker and Taahir Rasool, whom many refer to as 'the unsung heroes of Deedat's career'. They formed a study circle to look at the teachings of the Quran, and in 1956 Deedat and Vanker set up the IPCI in Durban.[4]
In 1957, Deedat, together with Vanker and Rasool, founded the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) which printed a variety of books and offered classes to new Muslims,[5] (and remained its president until 1996).[6][4] He later established an Islamic seminary at the As-Salaam Educational Institute, in Braemar, on the South Coast of Natal and published more than 20 books distributing millions of copies of free literature and pamphlets across the world.[7] Ahmed Deedat has influenced many to take part in the course of dawah and a major part of dawah that is carried out around the world has indeed his mark in it.
[edit] Lectures & Debates
With the increased success, Deedat engaged into a broader range of activities over the next three decades. He conducted classes on Biblical Theology and conducted numerous lectures. Da`wah (inviting people towards Islam) became the dominant factor of his life, with the audiences at his lectures reaching forty thousand. He later also went on to write a large number of books[8] on varied topics such as Christianity[9][10], Islam[11][12], the Arab-Israeli Conflict[13], conducted classes on Bible studies and also delivered numerous lectures and held debates on varied topics of Islam, Christianity and Judaism to large numbers of audiences; of the most famous being a debate against a Christian missionary from Nazareth Dr. Anis Shorrosh titled Is Jesus God? and another being against the pioneer of Christian Televangelism Jimmy Swaggart titled Is The Bible the Word of God which was witnessed by about 8,000 people. Henry Hock Guan Teh, a well-known Christian writer described the debate against Jimmy Swaggart in his article The Law of Evidence[14] as:
“ | The debate is on the reasonableness of their competing faiths which was held at Louisiana State University. Great expectations were generated since both were experienced public speakers. Sadly, Swaggart merely relied on TV showmanship to influence the crowd. When Deedat challenged him to prove the Bible as the Word of God, Swaggart simply quoted John 3:16 and claimed that his life was changed by it. Even such a claim was shattered to pieces when Swaggart’s personal sexual weaknesses were later exposed in the press. Although faith is necessary but without being thoughtfully presented its witness would not seem to be credible. | ” |
His debates were later broadcasted online on popular sites like Youtube, and continue to be watched by fans and adversaries. Some of his lectures have also been collected in a book titled 'The Choice: Islam and Christianity', published by the Islamic Book Service.
His debates had such an impact on observers or participants, that some embraced Islam[citation needed]. Deedat also held a combined lecture with ex-missionary Gary Miller (now Abdul-Ahad Omar)[15].
[edit] Criticism
Deedat's debates and writings have been labelled a form of apologetics.[2] Some also consider that Deedat's emphasis on such matters as inconsistencies in the Bible does nothing to convince Westerners of the truth of Islam since Western culture is essentially secular.[16]
In 2006, Ahmed Deedat's son circulated a DVD that denounced South African Hindus. The elder Deedat had previously circulated an anti-Hindu video in the 80's in which he said that Indian Muslims were 'fortunate' that their Hindu forefathers 'saw the light' and converted to Islam when Muslim rulers dominated some areas of India. His video was widely criticized.[17].
Lloyd V. J. Ridgeon, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Glasgow writes:
Ahmed Deedat's pamphlets are being recycled to a brand new British Muslim constituency. Thus, a new generation is exposed to his malicious new disinformations. The reason for the popularity of such polemicists as Ahmed Deedat is varied: Muslim self-understandings as "the best of all communities" leads them to suppose that Islam prevails over all religions. Combined with the wounded pride of living in a post-colonial world within the continuing hegemony of western culture,some dignity can at least be preserved by claimimg moral and religious superiority.[18]
Karl Maier, former Africa correspondent for the London's newspaper The Independent, writes that Deedat's rhetoric has made him very popular "in the underground of Islamic radicalism"[19] Still, Deedat's influence was certainly wider than confined to the underground. Islamic scholar Farid Esack has criticized Deedat, comparing him to such fundamentalists as Rabbi Meir Kahane and Jerry Falwell, and writing[20]:
Deedat's multitude of anti-Christian, anti-Jewish and anti-Hindu videotapes have told us all that there is to be told about the other, and we are comfortable with that. There are times, of course, when questions surface about the importance of correct dogma, about the importance of labels to a God whom we believe sees beyond labels and looks at the hearts of people. Instead of pursuing these questions, we hasten back and seek refuge in "the known." We order another of those Deedat tapes.[20]
Another prominent critic of Deedat is Joe Kauffmann, co-founder of "Americans Against Hate". Kauffmann criticizes Deedat as a "known bigot", a homophobe and an anti-Semite.[21] The "Stephen Roth institute for the study of contemporary antisemitism and racism" also accuses Deedat of being an anti-Semite[22]
In his book, "Arabs and Israel Conflict or Reconciliation", Deedat has frequently alleged "Jewish biases" in the western world and media, re-iterating traditional conspiracist allegations of "Jewish Lobby" control. He writes "Anti-Semite" is the magic word that cloaks every Jewish Crime"[23]. In his book, he also attacks Israel, and the US-Israel relationship in this book as part of a "Jewish Conspiracy". [23]
[edit] Honors
In 1986, he was awarded the King Faisal Award for his services to Islam in the field of Da'awah.
[edit] Death
On May 3, 1996, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat suffered a stroke which left him paralyzed from the neck down, and also meant that he could no longer speak or swallow. He was flown to King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, where he was taught to communicate through a series of eye-movements. He spent the last nine years of his life in a bed in his home in Verulam, South Africa, encouraging people to engage in Da'wah (Islam propagation). He continued to receive hundreds of letters of support from around the world, but was a target to many missionaries who tried to convert him to Christianity, to which he replied -via eye movements- with verses from the scriptures[24]. On August 8, 2005, Ahmed Deedat died at his home on Trevennen Road in Verulam in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. He is buried at the Verulam cemetery.[5]
jadi aku terjmpak bebrape artikel mngenai debat beliau..tp, maaf x dpt copy.. aku cbe link kan klu kwn2 nk bace kay.. ini antara tajuk2 yg beliau debatkan dlm buku beliau..
- sasaran pertama
- membiarkan mereka sendiri?
- bagi umat kristian yang baik
- beralih menguasai...
- strategi baru umat kristian
- combat kit...
- injil : bunga rampai incest(penzinahan)
- penegasan seorang psikologi
- penzinahan antara ayah dan anak perempuannya
- penzinahan antara ayah dan anak perempuannya
- anak Tuhan atau anak Roh Kudus
- pornografi
- pengakuan umat kristian
- sikap umat islam
- orang2 kristian yg sombong
- pertanyaan yang mantap
- tiga tingkat pembuktian
- memisahkan gandum dan bedak
- injil katholik..
- injil protestan
- penghormatan yang tggi
- penyaliban ataw sandiwara penyaliban
- kebohongan yang licik
- suatu pemalsuan
- 'kitab suci' buatan
- pemikiran yahudi
skrg nk selesaikan tajuk kedua iaitu KESANNYA PADA MASYRAKAT ISLAM MELAYU DI MALAYSIA..
' jika anda pernah mengikuti debat oleh syeikh ahmad Deedat dengan salah seorang paderi,beliau (Syeikh ahmad Deedat) telah menyatakan bahawa dalam kitab bible samada 'old testament' atau 'new testament' tidak pernah mnyebutkan nama Allah, tetapi menyebutkan nama tuhan sebagai 'elohim'. dengan itu juga, hujah boleh menggunakan nama Allah sebagai merujuk kepada tuhan agama mereka adalah tidak benar sama sekali dan perlu dihalang demi menajga keyakinan dan akidah umat Islam di Malaysia terutamanya..'
yang aku amik drpd debat apabila Malaysia dihebohkan sbb nk translate bible kpd bhsa melayu dengan menggunakan nama Allah sbg pengganti tuhan mereka..
ini merupakan pendapat seorang rakyat malaysia mengenai Ahmad Deedat..
' ulama ahmad deedat telah berjaya mengislamkan bukan sahaja penganut kristian alahan juga ramai paderi kristian seluruh dunia dengan kepintarannya membuktikan pemalsuan teks kitab bible.'
'beliau telah berdebat dengan ramai ketua paderi besar dunia, di antaranya ketua paderi USA, Kanada, australia dan sweden dan sehingga ke hari ini telah ramai orang kristian mula meragui kesahihan isi kandungan bible setelah mendengar hujanya yang jelas, jitu dan masuk akal.'
'sehingga ke hari ini penjelasan beliau tidak mampu disanggah denga hujah yang tepat oleh golongan muktabar kristian.'
'Ahmad Deedat dianugerahkan oleh Allah dengan kepintaran yang tinggi dan luar biasa dalam ilmu comparative religion dan beliau seorang hafiz al-quran dan menghafaz lebih dari 8 versi kitab bible.beliau juga mampu bertutur dengan fasih lebih daripada 10 bahasa dunia..'
nampaknya, hujah dan debat Ahmad Deedat telah digunakan untuk menyelesaikan segala mslah yg berlaku dalam Malaysia terutamanya mengenai Islam..
due date tuk assignment ini ialah pada 25 mac.. hehe! da ciap! ")
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