turn off your lights for one hour
8.30pm Saturday 28 March 2009
8.30pm Saturday 28 March 2009
2,398 cities, towns and municipalities in 83 countries have already committed to VOTE EARTH for Earth Hour 2009, as part of the worlds first global election between Earth and global warming.
“Earth Hour is a way for the citizens of the world to send a clear message. They want action on climate change.” said Secretary-General Ban.
WWF's Earth Hour is being hailed as the biggest ever global movement – a vote for the future of planet earth. Hundreds of millions of people are expected to take part by switching off non-essential lighting for an hour. Cities from Las Vegas to Sydney, from Cape Town to Beijing will go dark for an hour.
Ban said that the United Nations would be doing its bit for Earth Hour. “In New York, we will switch out the lights at UN Headquarters. Other UN facilities around the world will also take part.”
And he concluded: “I urge citizens everywhere to join us. Please send a strong message on climate change. Together we can find a solution to this most serious of global challenges.”
Paris leads 28 French cities and towns pledging support for Earth Hour

waa.....ari bergelap sedunia..tp en...rsanya..tyme nie la..perompak penyamun..sgla pe~~~ mulakan operasi 'mnyelamatkan' alam semula jdi..hehe..btol ark??
betoi gak..........
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