i bet all of you have listened to Najwa Latif's first single, Cinta Mukabuku ayte ? kalau tak dengar lagi, you can just Utube it.
i just listened to this sweet adorable catchy song a few days back, *so outdated of me!* okay, i realized that.
i also have read some bad comments from bad listeners in Malaysia. they just don't know to appreciate this kid's sweet lovely voice. tak suka dengar, takya la dengar.
but seriously, i become soooooo addicted to this song. so cute. so cute ! so cute ! she's is just 16 years old, she's a shy person. believe me. her idol is Justin Bieber ! haha ! both are cute.
so i think she's a good product of Malaysia for music area. she wants to be a singer, but mind you. she's a teen singer with brain. she managed to get 7A and 1B during her PMR time. isn't that great ? alaala Lisa Surihani lah kan. that's a good move !
to those haters, come out with your own catchy super duper song . or else, stop criticizing others. takde keje betol. aishh.
so i think she's a good product of Malaysia for music area. she wants to be a singer, but mind you. she's a teen singer with brain. she managed to get 7A and 1B during her PMR time. isn't that great ? alaala Lisa Surihani lah kan. that's a good move !
to those haters, come out with your own catchy super duper song . or else, stop criticizing others. takde keje betol. aishh.
whateverlah, btw Najwa, u have such lovely voice and face, talent to play guitar *what a bonus!* don't forget your studies. BE A SINGER WITH BRAIN AND TALENT. be humble and stay cute ! love yaaa !
i realized that both of them have the same smile. sweet !
p/s : jgn lupa dengar lagu nie kat U tube !

p/s : jgn lupa dengar lagu nie kat U tube !
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