hipphupp hooray ! received an award form my classmate (tetibe jek tingat IPBA), ingke @ iqa @ boinkboink . this ain't my first award actually . it is my 3rd award . so, a token of appreciation to u miss boinkboink .kinda nicey nice award . btw, how do people make this award ha ? it continues to puzzle me . anyone ??
Sila jelaskan kenapa anda suka ber-blog?
@ the ultimate purpose is to mrepek mraban in English . kinda want to improve my English as well. i love to read my blog actually . and realized massive mistakes there. share my opinions, my thoughts and my feelings as well.i don't like people to judge my blog. because, i don't judge other's blog. is that enough ? haha ! @
Apa motif anda tarik followers? Anda superstar kah?
@ err,followers ? not at all. i really appreciate when people follow my blog. @
Cerita sikit perangai anda
@ sensitive (well,girl). i will go mad when things are doing wrong . i hate blurr people who are acting not at their age . i love to judge people who are doing good in their business. i always believe, we can do anything that we want, as long as we have the effort to do it . @
Pernah terfikir nak masuk magazine aka mewar-warkan mewara-warakan belog anda? Mengapa?
@ nope.@
Sila tembak bloggers lain.
@famous blogger . (^_^)@
~ merazati ~
~ azham ~
~ abg yan ~
~abg ijad ~
~ ustaz takkompom ~
enjoy it ! (^_^)
tenkiu2 :) dah post entry dah..sila2 :)
ngai.. haha.. blur ppl who not suits their age?
obviously, u hardly 4get those ppl.. same goes here.. work hard to shield myself from raging fire.. hiyarghh!!!!
@mera - haha, okayyy ! :)
@iqapiqa - will not forget . :)
Alhamdulillah, thank you for awarding me and my blog with this award. I will receive the award later, because I cannot do it now due to time constraint. I promise that I will attend the award-giving ceremony and prepare a post about this, heheh....
tq teacher! dah post dah..hee :D
aip.ustaz takkompom? apakah???haha
thanks for d award..nnt abg ijad buat keh! ^^
@azham - no biggie dear. take ur time . :)
ustaztakkompom - haha, nicee ! i like !
@abg ijad - okayokay ! :D
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