oh man !
battle is just around the corner .
mmg mati sbb tak study sngt pown, lebey lyn movie jek .
lagu yg mcm mengarot !~
so, now i feel that all the papers are killer papers .
1st - LDS
2nd - LDV (hello !!!)
3rd - ES (my God !)
4th - SS (lenguh la jari jemari aku nnt... )
oh man !
okay, lets pray and work hard people !
papehal pown, all the best from me !
bonne chance !
mntak maaf klu ade wat slh (mmg byk pown ).
so, guys, all the best again !~
o Allah, please help us... ameen .
bace bismillah n doa dulu sblum nk langkah masuk dewan exam ya !

battle is just around the corner .
mmg mati sbb tak study sngt pown, lebey lyn movie jek .
lagu yg mcm mengarot !~
so, now i feel that all the papers are killer papers .
1st - LDS
2nd - LDV (hello !!!)
3rd - ES (my God !)
4th - SS (lenguh la jari jemari aku nnt... )
oh man !
okay, lets pray and work hard people !
papehal pown, all the best from me !
bonne chance !
mntak maaf klu ade wat slh (mmg byk pown ).
so, guys, all the best again !~
o Allah, please help us... ameen .
bace bismillah n doa dulu sblum nk langkah masuk dewan exam ya !
wei....kalo gune name Allah yg indah dlm blog ko..jgn nak letak gambar menggedik2 muncung2 dlm blog ko 2.gmbr bese sudeh...ko dok ngutuk org dlm blog ko,ko ingt ko 2 bgus sgt ke?sdarlah,mkin bnyk ko kutuk,mkin bnyk la phale ko trbg prgi kat org yg ko kutuk 2. bahkn Rasulullah snri pnah brsbde bhawe org yg gumpat n mgutuk org len kt blkgnye adlah org yg muflis tnpe sbrg phale kt akhirat nnti.kt dunie ni mmg la ko x rse bahang nerake lg,bleh la ko brtpuk tgn brsuke rie.mmg la aku x tau bape bsar dose dak pempuan 2 wat kat ko,tp drpd ko duk sebarkn kburukn org kt org len yg x de kne mgene lgsg,bek la ko prgi bce alquran.lg bnyk pekdahnye.psan skali kat follower ko yg nme "miss iqa" 2.same je prangai korg ek?gune ayt alquran bkn men lg,alih2 g ngutuk org.bleh x ko mention nme fb org2 yg ko kutuk 2?ak tringin nk tgk prngai diorg ni tul2 annoying atau korg yg wt cite lbih2...wallahualam
ohh anonymous .
ko ney manusie eh?
ade name ke tak ?
klu ade bran, sile jumpe aku dpndpn.
kite settle.
ade bran ?
tak pon, at least, letak name la doe .
Memang org yg bername anonymous nie suemnye x reti jge mulot tol~ td br ak bce kt blog abg ijad, nie kat blog sufi lak~ ish2 kalu x pueh ati ngan member ak si sufi nie.. ckp la dpn2 jgn maen xde name dek/bang oi~ tu x sopan nmenye~
ntahnye .
nk komen pepanjang, ade bran letak ah name ~
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