as promised. this entry i'll tell u about my dad's choice for his son-in-law in future. for me la of course *xkn untuk adek aku plak..haishhh!*
the story started here. i watched the series of 'Dendam org Minyak' *if i'm not mistaken la*. then, the scene was Fendi (Aqasha) visited her girlfriend's parents at her house. it was kinda funny when he couldn't recite the Yassin (surah Yassin) when they gathered after solat berjemaah. dad was playing with the kittens, just near to the tv. suddenly he said...
"ha..nanti abah nk buat mcm tuela. "
"haa? buat apa?"
"solat berjemaah. suro dia jadi imam. pastu, baca yassin"
"yala, mcm mna nk jd ketua keluarga klu al-Quran pown x ley baca?" *nie ayat skrip, abah tiru*
" apa yg abah nk. nanti Yun pesan siapsiap kt dia. hahahaa!"
"amboi. x acila."
"bole bygla muka abah mcm mana nanti. muka sarjan polis. hahahahaa!!"
"bykla. abah nk test dulu sebelum nk kawen."
"buatla apa yg abah nk...."
mcm da bole byg je org tue mcm mne nnt. kene pass la babbab agama ney. okay abah! :D
p/s - tetibe terbayang stok gadafi, LL. mcm tue ke??? :/

the story started here. i watched the series of 'Dendam org Minyak' *if i'm not mistaken la*. then, the scene was Fendi (Aqasha) visited her girlfriend's parents at her house. it was kinda funny when he couldn't recite the Yassin (surah Yassin) when they gathered after solat berjemaah. dad was playing with the kittens, just near to the tv. suddenly he said...
"ha..nanti abah nk buat mcm tuela. "
"haa? buat apa?"
"solat berjemaah. suro dia jadi imam. pastu, baca yassin"
"yala, mcm mna nk jd ketua keluarga klu al-Quran pown x ley baca?" *nie ayat skrip, abah tiru*
" apa yg abah nk. nanti Yun pesan siapsiap kt dia. hahahaa!"
"amboi. x acila."
"bole bygla muka abah mcm mana nanti. muka sarjan polis. hahahahaa!!"
"bykla. abah nk test dulu sebelum nk kawen."
"buatla apa yg abah nk...."
mcm da bole byg je org tue mcm mne nnt. kene pass la babbab agama ney. okay abah! :D
p/s - tetibe terbayang stok gadafi, LL. mcm tue ke??? :/
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