30 December 2010
26 December 2010
oh yeahh !
PMR result has just announced . oh yeah ! my lil bro's result was beyond our expectations and the ceremony was awesome awesome awesomeeee ! oh yeah,congrats lil bro . nanti boleh la blanja i Kentucky Fried Chicken . yayyyy !
okay, a few days left for new year celebration ! oh yeah. it means i need to go back to my paradise . hehe. friends will know. ohhh, i im forced to take all my things from block 3 to blck 5. migration, berhijrah la katekan . well,thank you for the people from the paradise . i mean, the people who are working for the paradise and the penghuni .
okay, lets start thinking about the new year resolutions . haa,nk kurus,nk byk duwet, ape lg nak ?
haaa, hahaha !
till we meet again, muachsss ! lovelovelove!
14 December 2010
~ nightmare ~
10 December 2010
tagged . tagged .

09 December 2010
too many things !
07 December 2010
06 December 2010
perform solah Subuh.
give the cats their early breakfast .
watching them eating .
sleepy, sleep again .
parents go to work .
wake up at 9 a.m.
walking around the house .
take bath .
look into the refrigerator .
clean the house .
cook for lunch .
feed the cats with their lunch .
2 p.m. fb, blogging .
blog jumping over here and there .
5 p.m. take bath again .
tea time . Hup Seng biscuit with hot tea . yummy !
7 p.m. Maghrib .
8 p.m novel time .
10 p.m tv time .
2 a.m . sleep again .
01 December 2010
hooray !

hipphupp hooray ! received an award form my classmate (tetibe jek tingat IPBA), ingke @ iqa @ boinkboink . this ain't my first award actually . it is my 3rd award . so, a token of appreciation to u miss boinkboink .kinda nicey nice award . btw, how do people make this award ha ? it continues to puzzle me . anyone ??
Sila jelaskan kenapa anda suka ber-blog?
Apa motif anda tarik followers? Anda superstar kah?
@ err,followers ? not at all. i really appreciate when people follow my blog. @
Cerita sikit perangai anda
@ sensitive (well,girl). i will go mad when things are doing wrong . i hate blurr people who are acting not at their age . i love to judge people who are doing good in their business. i always believe, we can do anything that we want, as long as we have the effort to do it . @
Pernah terfikir nak masuk magazine aka mewar-warkan mewara-warakan belog anda? Mengapa?
@ nope.@
Sila tembak bloggers lain.
@famous blogger . (^_^)@
~ merazati ~
~ azham ~
~ abg yan ~
~abg ijad ~
~ ustaz takkompom ~
28 November 2010
. lost .
the journey of life teaches me that death is inevitable . even Islam says so . no one is immortal . every living thing will face death .
recently, i got so many news abouth death. my friends, their dads, their mums, or their relatives . because of illness or accidents . the accidents are the worst . lately, we have quite a number of bus accidents or vehicles involved . oh my !
as a Muslim, we should remember that death is the thing that is the closest to us. we can even die anytime and anywhere. when we are sleeping, while eating, while talking bad about other people . even when we are standing or blogging . we can die anytime .
Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda yang bermaksud : Orang yang paling bijaksana di kalangan kamu ialah orang yang sentiasa menghisab dan menghitung dirinya serta beramal sebagai persedian untuk mengadap Allah taala selepas mati . Sedangkan orang yang kurang waras ialah orang yang sentiasa menuruti hawa nafsunya dan sentiasa berangan-angan kosong terhadap Allah . ( Riwayat Tirmizi )
may Allah bless . thanks for reading . (^_^)
. tumblr .
click here if u wanna add me . :)
i am new. i am fresh . so, don't expect too much for my tumblr . hihi !
mr snowman.

25 November 2010
. ngangkung .

a typical Malay story . comedy movie . it was directed by Ismail Bob Hasim and everyone knows he is a famous movie director . Shaheizy Sam, Angah Raja Lawak, Azad Jasmin, Eira Syazira, Puti Mardiana, Farisha Fatin, Lan Pet Pet are some of the casts . well, Shaheizy acted out well as a sweet loving father . i mean it . i think, he could a very lovely sweet handsome father in future . he played his role well . the same goes to other casts too !
what is 'Ngangkung' actually ? i just know that 'Ngangkung' is the dark art to ask for lottery . mcm nk mntak number ekor ah dekat jin and syaiton . haha ! lemme tell u this . the hantu in this movie is sooooo funny, comel. ayu gitu . if u don't believe me, go and watch for yourself !
a gargantuan thank-you to my abah sbb belanja my family tgk this movie . tenkiu abah ! (^_^)
here's some info bout this marvellous movie .
A story of 3 bestfriends, played by Shaheizy Sam, Azad Jazmin & Angah (Raja Lawak) who loved 'Ngangkung' (Dark art to ask for lottery). Azim (Shaheizy Sam) is a common worker who already been married and has a daughter named Wahida (Farisha Fatin). Taznim invited Azim to join him and Wan (Angah Raja Lawak) to go 'mengangkung'. Even though their wives (Eira Syazira & Putri Mardiana) disagree with their habit, but they still insist to be rich in an easier way. Many humorous and horrified things happen while they were trying to reach their dream to be rich. What will happen?Can they fulfill their dreams ?

24 November 2010
chica torpe grandes
haha, okay . mmg nonsense gila poem ney . sorry ah. i don't have the talent to make poems yet . we'll see soon if i rajen . haha. :p
huh !
23 November 2010
run baby run !
i want to write a little bit about this song . it suddenly appears in my mind when i was thinking about this post . actually, this song is one of my favourite songs . nice song . with perfect lyrics . run baby run, don't ever look back. they'll tear us apart, if you give them the chance . lalalaa . sedapsedap. try to listen to it . :) u'll like this song !~
okay . back to the real business . SPM has just started. the same goes to STPM. the memories of SPM are still fresh.the memories of Mara Junior Science College Kubang Pasu . as the first batch (aiceyy,anak sulong ney ),lotsa memories are running in and out of my mind. the subject that i really hate was Additional Mathematics or popular known as Add Maths. oh my . i just couldnt stand with the lengthy answers that we were needed to write, especially in Paper II. i seldom passed the paper . mostly, i failed . do not be suprised with that okay . lack of practice and faith in myself made me took for granted on this subject . i was punished many times , standing on the chair, with juniors were looking at me (hahahaha!), standing outside the class because i was late . my Add Maths teacher is so punctual. even if i wanna go to ladies, she wouldnt easily give the pass . when i was in F5, whe was pregnant . (cikgu muda okay. ) and the day that i needed to present in front of the class, the ways how to solve some questions, she was in the ward. ahhahaha, so relieved ! at last, i only get B4 for my Add Maths . bole ah uh kan . hahha !
chemistry, nothing much . i love chemistry. especially, the calculating part . the relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass . haha, any counting related to chemistry . all of them are my favourite ! physics, always slept during the lessons. just like LDS class here in IPBA . haha, mmg fizik hancusss ! sorry . people always said that 'students who are excellent in Add Maths must be the master of Physics because of they are closely related'. okay, believe that. Biology, err. interesting. i only got an A for once . rest of them , B+ or B-. hahaha. or, if my luck was not lucky enough, i'll get C. BM,English. quite fascinating . because they love to tell stories . so, kinda of relax . mind therapy . hihi ! PAI, the subject will make eyes open as wide as they could when the topic is marriage . esp, the boys. hahaha !
friends. they are always funny, sometimes serious, sometimes can be too emotional . im still in touch with some of them . of course with the help of Facebook. some of them are studying at overseas, some of them are locally stayed . we were always helping each other and never have serious fighting among us . i really miss the moment, where we always worked, eat, study together . shared our laughter and sadness . ohhh my ! sobsobsob ! we studied until late midnite, staying with the torchlight (roomates) and the study lamp . tried to memorise everything . ate nasik lemak right after prep. haha, while eating with the hot gossips around the college. brushed teeth , wake up early in the morning during weekends , we jogged around the campus, brought along our tennis or badminton rackets . lying on the field because only few people will have morning walk in the early morning. right after the morning walked, went to back to our room . bathed, then sleep,. haha, woke up at about 10 or 11 am . hahahaha ! see, how good students spent their time . ohh, i really miss u guyss ! brought the handphones unlawfully . curikcurik pny . haha ! gossips . ohhh, there were sooo many gossips . gossips with the hot people and juniors . got love letters some more . crushes over here and there . studied in the library , buat bising bajet mcm study . hahaha ! there were some friends who have steady couple and they are still on until now . semoga sampai ke jinjang pelamin ! (^_^) i have a friend . a friend yg gila jujur pny orang . always have crushed everywhere. junior ka, senior ka (eh, we are the super duper seniors here ), semua dya nk rembat . haha, miss her damn so much ! now she's doing microbiology kowt at N9. all the best babe ! jum jog nak ? hahaha !
p/s - got a news . a student, one of SPM candidates, died right after listened to the exam briefing.
al-fatihah .
22 November 2010
the air of vampires .
another vampire story . a novel entitle 'Thirst'. but, i bought the 3rd series. it means, i missed the first & second part of Thirst by Christopher Pike . i am reading it . started last night, right after the 'Eclipse'. errr, too many characters in the novel . sometimes, i am confused . haih . it's okay,i'm still trying to understand it deeper . the language used is quite simple, much simpler than Stephenie Meyer (author of Eclipse). so, it is easier for a beginner of English language like me to read the novel . fuhh, interesting !
20 November 2010
mixed pot .
first of all . i just know that our HOD and some wardens were discussing about the students who went back home before 19th of November . okay, i found out from my friend, Iqa . err, feel quite scared but i'm wondering why were they discussing about this. and furthermore, only English Department were involved in this meeting . oh my ! i know that i am wrong, went back soooo early . on Sat if im not mistaken . so whattt ? a week before the 'real' date . it is just because my dad couldnt pick me up the following week, thats why i went back a little bit early from the others . i just don't understand the system here . there were also some people who went back early, there's nothing much action were taken . whoever they are, they are still students ayte ? they are still under the 174 ayte ? huh . just don't understand . furthermore, we don't have classes anymore. why should we stay there ? who wants to celebrate the Eid there ? oh my ! whatever the punishments will be, please don't cut on our allowances . we still need the allowance for survival .
secondly. i've changed the layout for my blog. it's quite nice for me. but, fyi, i don't like it too much. it looks like a mess blog . but, when i was looking for something superb for my blog layout, this is the only marvellous superb gila chantek pny layout . i think so . i couldnt find any layout that is 'eye-catchy' enough for my blog . this is the one . layanlaaa ~
holidays . idk what to do during holidays time. (err, its actually holidays or holiday ? someone, help me with this thing). i bought a bunch of novels, err . Thirst, The Socerer's Apprentice, Eclipse, Shiver, Pride and Prejudice and many more. the list goes on. the thing is, i take a lot of time to finish even an English novel . i am quite slow in reading English materials (my bad!) and i'm trying to cope with it . ohhh . kesian teacher wannabe sorang ney kan . uhukuhukkuhukk ! okay, my mum is crazy listening to her favourite ustaz , Ustaz Kazim . every weekend, okay. almost everynight she will listen to him . repeat punya pon jalan . the same goes to my abah . tak habeshabes Ustaz Kazaim depa . my lil bro plak, sign in fb, chatting 24 hours non-stop with his beloved friends . haiyaa . mentangmentang exam da habes . he takes advantage on a pc and 2 laptops in my house . okay, good for him after the struggling period . let him socialize in the 'maya' world .
i have 2 new allergies . firstly, cats . even if i touch them, the virus will spread quickly, runs in my blood vessels. (nonsense ). okay, i just this new kind of allergy . and i really hate it . ohhh, suratan takdir nasibku ... i will get my eyes icthy, my nose running greatly with the fluid (oh goshh !) , headache, my body will become hotter and it's quite difficult for me to breath . ohhhh, kesian teacher wannabe nie kan . i can't even touch them, or be close to them . idk how to live in this house because we have 4 cats . awesome ayte ? okay, my cute big fat cats, stay outside . i will give your food, outside okay ? go and play, run awayyyy ! lalalalala. insane . another allergy is i'm allergic to dust . habukhabukhabuk . i think, most people have the same allergy as me ayte ? uhuk . it's just difficult for me to clean up my own room (yg berhabuk gila uhh) because i don't have maid or pembantu rumah to deal with the room . both of my parents are working, swasta plak uh . only a day of rest. so, no one is watching the room except for the invisible one. (jengjengjeng). so, a day of cleaning my own room, 4 days of flu ! ohh myy ! + cats some more . mmg berpenyakit ah .
so, thats all. byee . muchas thanks for reading !
18 November 2010
happy idul adha + happy anniversary !
and happy anniversary to my parents . hehe. may Allah bless your marriage with these two good kids . kankankan ? hahahaha ! i love both of you . (^_^) cepatcepat pegi haji ye . mmg jelesh tgk org len pegi haji en ? lallaaa . takpa, work hard,pray hard okay ? may Allah bless ! (^_^)

12 November 2010
! tengtong !
actually, this post is specially made (wahhh !) to those people who helped me much, directly and indirectly for my one and half year here, in IPBA. haha, tenkiu so much to those people . you are so kind !
you said that 'sufi, you are good. you can go further you know'. oh my ! rasa mcm nk pengsan. but mam, muchas gracias for this motivating compliment. thank you so much !
thank you sir . thank you for everything , and , i'm sorry because i always fall asleep in your class. i don't know why . i really love your class, especially the 'take five' part . we took thirty ! hahhaaha ! sorry sir, couldnt help with that . hihihi . i wish i can score your paper with colourful flying colours ! hope so, ameen .
and for all lecturers, Mr. Mano, Madam Noriah, and those who have taught me, thank you so much ! there's nothing much i can write here, but thank you !
err, housemates (rase mcm same je housemates ngan classmates ney )
err, thank you ah . hehehe . i don't know what to say . hahaha . next year, klu ada rejeki, jumpe ah agy . hehehehehee. keep our house clean please !
haha, the people are the same actually . tp takpe ahh. okay guys, be strong okay ? people may judge us like veryveryvery
10 November 2010
~Dear God ~
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
! hiphip huuppp !
finally, it ends .
oh, alhamdulillah ...
feel so relieved !
the thing is, i wish i could go back to my hometown.
the place where i belong to .
i really wish i can go back.
reallyreallyreally .
i really miss them.
the people who understand me the most .
i can feel the heat around here.
i don't know why .
i miss the place where i can smile .
talking with people who are just like me .
listening to the people's voices whom i love so much.
oh Dear God, please . . .
07 November 2010
seize the day
hello guys ! act, wanna share sumthin . a vid, cool vid from Avenged Sevenfold . i really adore this song , maybe this a lame song for you . but, i really lovelovelove this video . seriously !
oh gosh !
06 November 2010
...gian tyme exam ...
rumate sorang gian maen gitar . tp, disebabkan dye still fresh, fresh dr ladang, so tak pndai maen lg la . right after LDS has finished, 3 of us (shima, iqa and I) rushed (ehehehe) to Amcorp to buy the guitar . at last ! so, giangian maen pown, exam ttap exam kak ! hahahaha ! betapa giannya kwn aku ney, smpai nk jual balek gitar dye sbb dye tak pndai maen . mi amor, nothing is easy in this world. if u wanna be like the hot guy, Syn, u must walk through hell. hahahaha !
sorang agy gian bergayut . i also don't have any ideas dye gayut ngan sape . (bf la kan...i reckon) so, mmg bermanjelah beliau bersame hp n bfnya itu . hahak !
okay, wanna storymory sket my own 'gianness'. hahahaha ! gian nk bace novel je skrg neyy ! English la kan, sbb terase mcm
act, i have a collection on novels (English + Malay ) but i haven't done on the reading part . i don't have any ideas when im going to finish reading all those thick books ! haiyak, but, be cool ~ one more, gian sesangat nk blaja Spanish
now, i'm struggling with my blog and my thick books too ! hahahaha !

~ oh people, ignore the tatoos ~


~ lets learn Espanol ~