act, tuk followers dye.
aku sbg one of her followers.
aku rembat je tag neyh.
act, lme ta maen tag tag neyh.
syok plak.
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions until you write the names of the 5 people.
No cheating please!
act, tuk followers dye.
aku sbg one of her followers.
aku rembat je tag neyh.
act, lme ta maen tag tag neyh.
syok plak.
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions until you write the names of the 5 people.
No cheating please!
- arefe
- nur JAJA!
- afeze
- ucop(aku lupe nk wish bufday dye)
- matriks -KMP
Reminder : Don't read ahead unless you fill above names first!
Question 1 : How do you meet 1?
arefe?? i think we met via fs. haha! naseb! he's kinda nice fren n gila sewel sket la. haha!
Question 1 : How do you meet 1?
arefe?? i think we met via fs. haha! naseb! he's kinda nice fren n gila sewel sket la. haha!
Question 2 : On the Scale of 1 - 10, how you rate your
relationship with no 1
owh. he's my best fren. my best buddy. (betoi ka??) so..i kasik 8/10. lg 2 tuh spare!
relationship with no 1
owh. he's my best fren. my best buddy. (betoi ka??) so..i kasik 8/10. lg 2 tuh spare!
Question 3 : How long have you known 4?
sejak die entered my beloved maktab, MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA KUBANG PASU. act, he's my junior yg plg best n agak gila! very nice. n aku mmg lupe nk wish bufday dia!!!
he's kinda nice. lme da knal. sejak 2008. *mish his smile damnly*
sejak die entered my beloved maktab, MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA KUBANG PASU. act, he's my junior yg plg best n agak gila! very nice. n aku mmg lupe nk wish bufday dia!!!
he's kinda nice. lme da knal. sejak 2008. *mish his smile damnly*
Question 4 : How do you know number 3?
opcoz melalui my buddy arefe. itu kan twin dia! mula knal kt ym la. then, mespace. then, sms. then, jmpak jela. then, aku tataw suda. :) agak gile n mmg gle orgnya yeah. sewel sket sket. suda berpunya (aiceh! aku ta smpat!) always be cool. suka senyum tyg gg. then, suka gelak. agak macho orgnya.mmg baek.baek ati, baek jantung, baek hempedu. segala galanya lah. tp, kinda loklaq sket bdak neyh. haha! suka aty dia larh! haha!
opcoz melalui my buddy arefe. itu kan twin dia! mula knal kt ym la. then, mespace. then, sms. then, jmpak jela. then, aku tataw suda. :) agak gile n mmg gle orgnya yeah. sewel sket sket. suda berpunya (aiceh! aku ta smpat!) always be cool. suka senyum tyg gg. then, suka gelak. agak macho orgnya.mmg baek.baek ati, baek jantung, baek hempedu. segala galanya lah. tp, kinda loklaq sket bdak neyh. haha! suka aty dia larh! haha!
Question 5 : Where 5?
haha! ngot nget. opcoz la kt perlis! KMP- kolej matrikulasi perlis. haha! destinasi seterusnya.
haha! ngot nget. opcoz la kt perlis! KMP- kolej matrikulasi perlis. haha! destinasi seterusnya.
Question 6 : A Fact about number 1?(aku letak byk facts!)
- kinda sewel guy
- kinda nice + sweet + mnja mnja gitu guy.
- minat DC gila babeng (fanatik gla)
- kinda jealousy guy(dia yg ckp)
- penakut! haha!!! (terbukti)
- baek aty
- agak sengal (dia neyh suka mrepek gak!)
- gila gila fren n sewel juz like his twin la.
- kuat ketawa!
Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with?
eh, dia skola maaa.. mne de aweks aweks neyh! so, maybe kuar with his budddy la. classmates kew, cikgu kew. ntah!!!
eh, dia skola maaa.. mne de aweks aweks neyh! so, maybe kuar with his budddy la. classmates kew, cikgu kew. ntah!!!
Question 8 : What does no 1 do for living?
haha! pelik je soklan. dye mna keje. cume skdar membantu di kedai parents dia kowt. msih di bwh jagaan parents. so, mntak duwet sma mama abah jew!!
haha! pelik je soklan. dye mna keje. cume skdar membantu di kedai parents dia kowt. msih di bwh jagaan parents. so, mntak duwet sma mama abah jew!!
Question 9 : Would you live with number 3?
hahahhahahhaha!! tabley imagine aku idup ngan uncle fze yg crazy!. maybe tak kowt. we r just frens. live together?? no way! haha!
hahahhahahhaha!! tabley imagine aku idup ngan uncle fze yg crazy!. maybe tak kowt. we r just frens. live together?? no way! haha!
Question 10 : What do you like about no 2?
hurm. lots!
hurm. lots!
- seorang yg mmg crazy
- sngt sngt crazy!
- semangat yg tggi
- tataw malu( neyh part aku plg suka)
- always be frankly.
- manja?? maybe la..
- always happy
- tue je kowt.
Question 11 : Do you miss number 5?
rndu mende. jmpe pown blum. hahahha! maybe i will. hahahaha!!
rndu mende. jmpe pown blum. hahahha! maybe i will. hahahaha!!
Question 12 : Would you make out with number 4?
make out mnde neyh??? adessss!!
make out mnde neyh??? adessss!!
Question 13 : What's your opinion of number 2?
opinion??? belambak. dye neyh gila, sewel, crazy! tembam fren! *smuga dia cpat kurus* hahaha! dia neyh mmg crazy kay! tue jela.
Question 14 : What is your fav memory with number 5?
haha! tade memory agy la. bru nk pegi esnen neyh. adesssss~~~~
Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2?
haha! parah neyh!! kontroversi. dala no 2 suka no 1. no 1 suka ta sma no 2?? no komen! haha! i will join dorang lepak lepak together. hahahaha!!~ *dlam aty bertny, dorang neyh ada skandal kew?? kuar ta ajak aku!! *
Question 16 : ever had a long conversation with number 5?
adoiyai!! blum. akan dtg la!! hahaha~
Question 17 : have you ever slept at number 2's house?
pnah!! 2 nytes kay! bes gle. walopown mlm tuh aku mrepek je ngan no 2 tuh! bes banget seyh!!
Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?
jrg kay! bru sekali lepak ngan die. kt KFC kulim!! haha! lpas neyh plan nk lepak lepak agy with him. nk gelak ketawa besar! mkn besar! his treat! hahahha! so evil~
Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
jaja kowt. if i'm not mistaken la!! knal dr awal 2007. hehe.
Question 20 : How often do you talk to number 1?
tiap tiap ari pown ckp. melalui phone, sms, mms, ym, mespace, fs. tue la. mcm wajib lak tiap tiap ari. hahaha~~
Question 21 : What about number 2?
same as no1. tp, afta diz, maybe jrg coz both of us nk smbung study di matriks kay!
Question 22 : Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
he' s like my uncle. uncle plg hot! hahaha! no la. he's only my fren. ta pnah pkir lebey kay such as my boy (oi! ko jgn nk perasan kay. dia suda berpunya). hahaha!! he will always be my crazy fren. kan kan uncle fze???
Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with number 5?
mmg terpakse date. start dr 11/5 kay! aih. haha!
Question 24 : Do you dream about number 2?
aku mmp dye jadik monster. mmg sewel. hahaha!! *layak la tuh dye jadik monster* hahaa~
Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that you never forget?
his smile. always sweet. mcm madu gula coklat! hahhaa! plg tabley lupa, he always tarik jari jari dia di hujung meja n said like a gurl. *korang leyh bygkan ke? i think, aku ngan jaja je leyh bygkan*
Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he/she never forget?
i think, mse 1st time we met la. mmg ta sngka leyh jmpak dia! hahaha! sweet moments.
Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?
aku ase snap gambo, play tennis, mrepek mrepek, on9. tue kowt!! :))
who do you want to tag :
hehe. jeng jong jung!
opinion??? belambak. dye neyh gila, sewel, crazy! tembam fren! *smuga dia cpat kurus* hahaha! dia neyh mmg crazy kay! tue jela.
Question 14 : What is your fav memory with number 5?
haha! tade memory agy la. bru nk pegi esnen neyh. adesssss~~~~
Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2?
haha! parah neyh!! kontroversi. dala no 2 suka no 1. no 1 suka ta sma no 2?? no komen! haha! i will join dorang lepak lepak together. hahahaha!!~ *dlam aty bertny, dorang neyh ada skandal kew?? kuar ta ajak aku!! *
Question 16 : ever had a long conversation with number 5?
adoiyai!! blum. akan dtg la!! hahaha~
Question 17 : have you ever slept at number 2's house?
pnah!! 2 nytes kay! bes gle. walopown mlm tuh aku mrepek je ngan no 2 tuh! bes banget seyh!!
Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?
jrg kay! bru sekali lepak ngan die. kt KFC kulim!! haha! lpas neyh plan nk lepak lepak agy with him. nk gelak ketawa besar! mkn besar! his treat! hahahha! so evil~
Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
jaja kowt. if i'm not mistaken la!! knal dr awal 2007. hehe.
Question 20 : How often do you talk to number 1?
tiap tiap ari pown ckp. melalui phone, sms, mms, ym, mespace, fs. tue la. mcm wajib lak tiap tiap ari. hahaha~~
Question 21 : What about number 2?
same as no1. tp, afta diz, maybe jrg coz both of us nk smbung study di matriks kay!
Question 22 : Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
he' s like my uncle. uncle plg hot! hahaha! no la. he's only my fren. ta pnah pkir lebey kay such as my boy (oi! ko jgn nk perasan kay. dia suda berpunya). hahaha!! he will always be my crazy fren. kan kan uncle fze???
Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with number 5?
mmg terpakse date. start dr 11/5 kay! aih. haha!
Question 24 : Do you dream about number 2?
aku mmp dye jadik monster. mmg sewel. hahaha!! *layak la tuh dye jadik monster* hahaa~
Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that you never forget?
his smile. always sweet. mcm madu gula coklat! hahhaa! plg tabley lupa, he always tarik jari jari dia di hujung meja n said like a gurl. *korang leyh bygkan ke? i think, aku ngan jaja je leyh bygkan*
Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he/she never forget?
i think, mse 1st time we met la. mmg ta sngka leyh jmpak dia! hahaha! sweet moments.
Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?
aku ase snap gambo, play tennis, mrepek mrepek, on9. tue kowt!! :))
who do you want to tag :
hehe. jeng jong jung!
- 1st, smua yg usha blog aku.
- 2nd, smua followers aku (except miss syud kay)
- 3rd, all ma frens kay!
- 4th, sesape je yg ternampak bnde neyh.
- 5th, sesapa yg sudi.
aku ta paksa kay! no force force! aku baek aty, jantung, hempedu smua la. ok!
*act, nk wat tag neyh sbb tataw nk update blog. then, nk lepas tension dlu sblum masuk matriks kay!! so, sesape nk wat, aku alu alukan. ikowt suka jantung korang la!*
*act, nk wat tag neyh sbb tataw nk update blog. then, nk lepas tension dlu sblum masuk matriks kay!! so, sesape nk wat, aku alu alukan. ikowt suka jantung korang la!*
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