30 November 2009

lappie osak + broadband gile + shaya combunk!!

terasa bengang di aty.ades.mushi mushi sy di workshop kerna virus virus zel sudah mnyerangnya.nmpaknya,sistem pertahanan sudah tdk berfungsi sebaiknya lg.ades.melayang rm135.00 sy.tidak diketahui dr mna dtgnya virus virus zel tersebut.mungkin dr tusukan tusukan pendrive yg mna diketahui tuannya yg mmg terkenal dgn nama manja iaitu 'penternak trojan'.ades.siaplah kamu slpas ini.akan ku pertahankan mushi mushi dr serangan serangan x bertauliah dr pernternak virus virus ini.hurh~~~

oke.td, tergerak aty nk bkak fs.lame x bkak.berkurun.the, nmpak frens request,new comments.aty tergerak nk usha kumens.upenye, dr 2 kanak kanak cumel yg sdg berkapel.alahai.lamenye x contact dorang.due due pown ckp sy dh combunk.adoi.sory la.byk sngt kije.sory erh!syg kamu berdue oke! muachsssss!!!

afta dat,aty tergerak nk bkak sy ny ex pny awek.hurh~damn$%#%^^~dye private.sy suda jadik kwn dye.pergh~xpela.sy sngt berprasangka burok sbb msti ex sy ade kate ape ape kt dye.hurh~watever la.sy x suke la org org mcm neyh.sngt x pro.hurh~~~

oke.mcm mcm bnde la nk bwat mase cuti ini.mari sy listkan.
  • nk repair mushi mushi(dh wat dh pown)
  • nk update blog
  • nk backup my grammar
  • nk wat reader response sbnyak mungkin
  • membaca blog org laen
  • er.nk tingkatkn amalan sbnyk mungkin...(sbb, mungkin terlalai kerna terlalu sibuk ngan urusan duniawi...)
so, jgn sia siakan cuti anda.isikan ngan perkara yg berfaedah! salam!

29 November 2009

boys over flower

arghhhhhhhhhh!!!so bored~ x thn gle bhaiii~~so, i decided 2 watch this romance movie..not movie la.but, drama series kowt! korea. waaaaaaaaa~ so, rite now, i'm addicted to this romance bla bla bla. adoi. fully in love with Yun Ji Hoo character. erm. nape bkn Jun Pyo?? sbb, ntah. aty x terpikat. hahahaha!! mcm poyo je an. [^^]. agak kepoyoan la sbb dh berulang ulang kali sy menuntun crita ini. x buhsan. err..mmg la x an. er. sbb tue mood agak jiwang la kali ini. haha~
Goo Jun Pyo - curly hair.haha~dye neyh seorang yg sngt sngt ego! haa~ kn dh tersikse jiwe rage. maybe, as a heir of Shinwa group, dye ase mcm terbertanggungjwb terhadap 700,000 keluarga yg bernaung n carik mkn di bwh syrkt ini. pade memulenya, dye mmg la sngt sngt berpengaruh. kaye, handsome, ade name. ah, populariti la kirenye. n, fall in love ngan a very normal lady, Geum Jan Di. Jan Di neyh anak org kedai dobi je. ades. but, at last, dye sedar..dye mmg sygkan Jan Di although dye cube nk lupekan minah neyh. adess~ p/s- kpd lelaki lelaki di luar sane, klu dh suke, ckp jela suke.xyah nk sorok2. be gentleman okey!! :) jgn nk memain talik tari ngan perasaan org.kelak kne kt kite, haa..padan muke!!!~

Geum Jan Di - a young preety cool lady. hehe. she is a very cool, funny... i really adore her character. wow! she's an amazing girl. haiyaa~ but, well. mcm mne cool pown dye, ttap ade perasaan an. dye neyh la heroin! :)
Yun Ji Hoo - adoi. my love crush! hahhahahaha! klu mmg ade lelaki this type kt M'sia terchenta neyh..alangkah bertuahnye wanita wanita M'sia. hahaha!! adoi. really really really really fall in love with him. adess~~ relax relax~~

so, nk tawu lbeyh lanjut, tgk r sndri k! x lrt nk menaip sudaaa~

all credits go to Sharifah Jannatul Ajilah!

19 November 2009

2012! awesome!

was a very awesome movie!
i suggest to all of u.
i just watched it today.



mengalirkan mutiara ketika menontonnya....

18 November 2009

this isn't gudbye..sob3!!

F.P. TESL 1.4.
we had a farewell party for our 1st sem.
act, was a little bit sad.
because we r going to be apart for 1 month++
deep in my heart.
quite sad.
thinking about if i had done sumthin wrong to them.

so, we started our party wif da lunch *masing2 dah berkeroncong actually*
after we had some ayam msak merah, some curry...fruits..n so on..
each of us were allowed to give speech..
so, we started with our leader, Muhammad Syahmi..
he prayed that he will not going to be the leader anymore..hahahaha!!

then sorang demi sorang la..

then, madam tan's turn to give us a speech *but act, she gave us lecture!!!*
when she gave us her speech..act, i realised that..
i really love my classmates here..
they are wonderful, awesome!
thanx 4 being my cool frens here..

2nd thing that i realised was..
i'm too small in diz huge world.
this world is too big for me, undiscovered.
*selepas aku ditembak bertalu-talu di dlm klas oleh beliau..hahahaha* err..
my essay wasn't good enough for her and myself.
i'm not satisfied with my own work actually..
wut nonsense i'm talking about???
tp, btolla...
i really blurred today..
toooooo many things to do during this precious holidays.

so, i wanna make my own speech.

to all my awesome classmates.
thanx ea. i love u all~

to my love crush *hahaha!! sapekah??? u noe who r u....*
i always pray the best 4 u dear....
*although u never noe that i love u*

to my mentor
madam, thanx 4 ur advices all this while.
i really appreciate them.
danke 4 being my mentor, my SS lecturer, my mother..
u r so sweet....
u r a wonderful person to me.

to housemates
lalala~ next year we r going to be the residents of blok 3.
nak kew?? x nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

to all my lecturers

i dunno what more to say....
to myself
u r awesome baby!!
keep it cool!
please improve ur english ea dear.
i know u love me~

last but not least..
kepada sesiapa shj yg mngenali dri ini..
x kesahla..
name kew, pnah ckp kew, x pnah ckp ke, pnah senyum ke, add kt fb/ms kew...
thanx ea!
sorry 4 everything!!

my english wasn't so good. sy budak bru blaja..klu slh, tlg tunjukkan.


15 November 2009

aku cinta dia

this time.
wut a very gud novel.
made me cry...
atas keluhuran cinta seorang hamba kepada penciptanya...
atas keterlanjuran nafsu seorang hamba biasa...

this is a very sweet novel.
cinta antara seorang jejaka yg mmg tidak dpt dinafikan ketinggian ilmu agamanya...
dan seorang gadis yg telah dinodai..

sngt cumel..
and, pnuh ngan adegan2 cumel.
cinta yg x dpt dilafazkan....
tp, dpt dirasai oleh 2 jiwa...

Dia pernah menyatakan kepadanya bahawa dia harus mencintai ALLAH dan Rasul-NYA terlebih dahulu sebelum dia mencintai sesama manusia.

semalaman di umah ayahcik

smue member kuar kecuali posh~
sy x dpt ikut same.
sbb da jnji nk balek umah ayahcik.
kt mane??
kmpung pndan je.
xde lrt, xde komuter.
so, uncle sy yg baek aty tue terpaksa la amek sy.

so, around 5.30, he reached IPBA.
mase tuh plak, sye bru mngemas dri.
he called me few times.
saye angkat.
dye dh bebel.

"yun, ayahcik dh smpai neyh..."

sy mnjwb

"aaaa....dh smpai ke ayahcik?? aaa...jap2!!!"

tros ltak SE biru sy.
cmpak ats katil.
cpt je kmas brg.
lappie,hp,charger,bj, n bnde2 len.

kelam kabut sy dibuatnye..
so, cpt2 salin bj.
pkai ala kdr je.

so, in the rain.
i walked slowly *ala2 control ayu gitu..hahaha!*
ltak bku kt pak guard, i saw my uncle's car.
adekah nnt kne bebel?

sy memberi slm.
terkejut nmpak my handsome cousin pown ade dlm kete.
dh besar..hahaa!
sblom neyh x prasan kebesarannye.
dye pown slm ngan sye.
bsr dh dye..

so, dlm kete.
i dunno how to start my conversation.
agk lme x jmpe family sy di sni.
too busy wif da assignment.

"yun pegi pangkor ari tue mcm mne? ok x??"

"erm..alhamdulillah la..smue oke je.."

"pegi sane untuk ape???"

" untuk klas gerko..mcm klas koku jgak la.."

"buat ape je kt sane???"

" mcm2 je ade. swimming, kayaking, msak gune psir.. "

"rumate yun yg sakit tue mcm mne?? dh oke da??"

"errr..sbnarnye x. dlm blik asek tdo je. yun pown bkn slalu dlm blik. lepak kt hall je. "

"yg sorang agy tue?"

"yg sorang tuh mmg sntiase tension. sbb, dye la ktue umah"

"hahahaha! yun nye assignment sume dh siap ke?"

"dh2...settle smlm. legeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

"hahahaha! nie ha, si aiman neyh(spupu sy) nk tnjuk exam paper dye kt yun"

"haa????!! aaa...bule2"

saye pown terdiam.
alamak,kne wat analisis paper exam Form 1 lak kew?
lemah neyh...

tetibe, my eyes saw a car.
x penting tntang luaran krete t'sbut.
tp, ternmpak 2 cute girls.
sdg memandang ke arah sy.
alahai comelnye.
at 1st tyme, i tot they were twins.
but, akak adik.
sy senyum n melambai mreka.
mreka membls.
sngt cumel!!!

smpai umah.
nmpak mak ani tgh mkn.
x dpt r nk slm.
sy msuk blik cousin sy.
trnmpak plak novel.
mmg gle novel sy neyh.
sharifah abu salem.
lg la..
trus sy salin pakaian..

trus mrebahkn dri ats katil, smbil pegang novel.

tetibe, cousin sy masuk.

"hye along! bru balek ngan paan kew??"

"hye yun. a'ah. kuar ngan dye jap td. ble smpai??"

"bru je..ayahcik amek td"

"owh...yun final dh kew??"

"final? yun xde exam pown."

"laa...yeke?? sronok r."

dye tros amek towel.
g membersihkan dri.

suddenly, cousin sy yg bru msuk tadika plak dtg.

aih...pnat aku nk lyn bdak byk mulot neyh.

"kak yun kak yun!!! ble kak yun dtg??"

"kak yun bru smpai la kakak"

dye tros melompat tas katil
memaksa sy menutop novel, n mlyn dye jap.

"kakak lawa2 neyh dr mane?? kuar ngan ibu ke??"

"a'ah. kite pegi jaya jusco ngan ibu"

"jaya jusco? buat ape kakak g sane? abg long mne??'

" beli brg la kak yun. abg long ngah amek brg naek atas."


"ibu pown same"

"la...kakak x tlg ibu angkat brg kew???"


"hahaha...apela kakak neyh..."

" kak yun, kakak ade konsert esok"

"ha?? konsert ape tuh kakak??"

"konsert la. kakak kne nyanyi2, nari2..."

" yeke? nk suro kak yun pegi tgk kew??"

"kak yun dtg la. pkai lawa2."

"hahaha! kak yun mane ade bj lawa2 la kakak. kak yun pnjam bj kakak la...."

"eh, mane bole!! kakak kecik, kak yun bsar. nnt x muat la bj"

"la...abeh tuh?mcm mne kak yun nk dtg??"

"kak yun pkai la bj along...."

"x nk la.."

"ala. kak yun pkai bj ape2 pown x pe. jnji kak yun dtg.."

"insyaAllah kak yun dtg k..."

"kak yun, kak yun blaja kt mane??"

"kt snila..."

"la..kak yun tipu..kakak x nmpak kak yun blaja kt sni pown..."

"eh, btulla. kak yun x tipu kakak"

"klas kak yun kt mane??"

"klas kak yun kt snila kakak..."

"kak yun neyh suke tipu kakak....(dlm nada yg mrajuk..)"

"la,,,btulla kakak. esok ikut kak yun balek hostel kak yun"

"xnkla..(sudah mrajuk)

"alalala, mrajuk lak dye. ye2. esok kak yun pegi tgk kakak menari."

"kak yun kne bgn pagi2 taw..."

"yela. kak yun pegi k. kak yun amek gamba kakak byk2"

"hehe. kak yun, mcm mne nk eje bunge???"

blum smpat sy menjawab, dye jwb soalannye sndri.

" b u n g a "

""hahahaha! pndai la kakak skrg..."

"kakak mmg pndai...."

"kakak nie msti blum mndi neyh..."

"kakak mlas..."

"eh, mane buleh. org pndai kne mndi slalu taw.."

"kak yun x mndi pown..."

"kak yun dh mndila kakak."

"yeke?kak yun, nape org pndai kne mndi slalu???"

" sbb, nnt bau wangi..bersih..bru sng nk blaja..."

"yeke kak yun?? kakak nk mndila..."

"ye la. g mndi dlu. nnt trun. kite mkn same2. ngan pah chu skali(nenek saye).kakak bwk trun pah chu skali taw.."

"nk mkn ape kak yun??"

"ntah, kak yun pown xtawu. kakak nk mkn ape???"

"tadi kakak dh mkn ngan ibu........."

"x nk mkn ngan kak yun la tue...(aku plak mrajuk..hahahaha!!)

"erm. xpe2. nnt kakak trun. "

"hehe. mcm 2 la. dh g mndi kt ats. nnt trun bwk pah chu skali."

dye trus kuar.
aku smbung layan novel....
tetibe je, tertido.
smpai la along kjut sy.
ayahchik ajak mkn kt luar.
aku layankan aje.

dh smpai kdai,mkn2...
order la..

"kak, bihun sup 2...special"

"yg special ade ape???"

"perut, aty...n segale dlman la..."

laju je sy geleng kpale.

"haha! kasik yg biase je ea kak..."

"kak, air kopi jntan ade x??"

"xde bang. kt sni smue yg berniage pompuan je.."

nk pecah prut sy.
gatal gak minah separuh abad neyh.
uncle sy lak buat muke seyez je...
x jadik nk gelak spruh mati.

so, smbil mkn, berbualla...
mcm2 yg kami bualkan...

smpai umah..
cousin aku (aiman) dtg bersama paper exam finalnya...
adoi..sy lmah la bab2 neyh.
tp, sy cool je r.
wat2 mcm pro..hahahaha!!!

stlah menganalisis...
sy pown ajar sket2 ape yg sy tawu...
share sket2 tips2 bergune.
dlm aty sy, adek aku pown x pnah tny soalan mcm nie...

so, smbil2 tuh, tgk tv.
so, smpai di sni sajelah coretan untok ari nie.
jmpe lg!!

adios amigos!!

13 November 2009


i dunno y this kind of people were born in diz world.
wut r their functions up here??
gth la...

do we need to insult other people who are in other district with us?
org bodo jela wat mcm nie.

kelantan ke, kedah ke, jhor ke..srwk ke...
so wut??
ape bezenye??
satu malaysia gak an?
yg saudara nk kecoh2 tue apahal???

i really dun understand u man.
kampung kew, bndar ke, same je..
so wut??

~pegi mampus la~

12 November 2009

inai oh inai

ntah mengapa.
tetiba je si hana montana nie nk suro aku pkai inai.
so, aku pown pkaila.
mengisi msa lapang yg sngt bosan.
kt kuku, hana montana yg pkaikan.
kt tgn, midah yg pkaikan...




at last.
i've completed all my assignments for this sem.

yesterday, i went to the kesuri room.
to consult my ss lect, Madam Tan.
she said dat my essay was tooo wordy!!

at least she didn't said 'this is nonsensee!!'
klu x , kuar air mate drh ea....
becoz, i sleep late at nite to work at this task.
walopown hny essay...
ssh gak r!!

i can c dat ppsimp students as well as b ed students are working hard towards diz assignment.
jia you!!

so, diz weekend..
going to ayahchik's house.
becoz next week suda mau kmbali ke pangkuan keluarga...
slmat tggal IPBA!

act, i'm quite sad becoz my 1st assignments were not too good.
most of da lect said that.
even, we have failures!

so, smlm bergayut ngan family saya. almost an hour.
abah sy bgtawu, i've got new family members!
saya igtkan abah saya amek anak angkat.
kucenk saya dh selamat beranak
kelaka plak ayat tersebut.
3 altogether.

can't wait to go home.
nk nmakan si cumel tersebut sblum adek saya yg namakan!
i miss u too, khairul.
~balek neyh siapla...~

guys, esok kuar r.
sbb sbtu ahad aku mmg xde.
kite g mkn je r.
duwet dh xde nk shoppin.

kite g tgk pc baru kt loyat.
smart gle.....
jum r!!!

ape lg ntah nk cter kt sni.
agak sdeyh la.
sbb x dpt jmpe mdn Noriah (my lds lect)
so, for the whole 3 weeks, kne combine class ngan 1.6

i think i love IPBA
i think i love KL
i think i love u.
i think i love my frens.
*mrepek jap..ngah generate idea*

cian sama kwn saya.
she said she might be 'ditendang' from matrix.
so, nk blaja kt mna ha??
if kna tendang...
kawen la sng!

sy balek kedah on sat next week.
with my very best buddies pp. dnin. azrin.
lame x jmpe korang...
deep in my heart, i miss u....

ade lg bnde.
next year, sy bkl mnjd penghuni blok 3.
rumah yg sma.
taun neyh blok 4.
yg x bestnya, mngapa perlu mnghdp blok lelaki ini??!!!
n, i will be separated wif kak tira.
yg sorang lg tue sy x kesah. lantak!
nmpaknya, mmg x pegi kafe r.
duk ats kafe pown mls nk g.
aptah lg klu dh jauh..
*jauh ke??*

smpai sni shj coretan.

(bru blaja buat sign neyh)

08 November 2009

mahligai cinta

i'm already addicted to this novel.
sorry madam, i could not 'tahan' myself from reading this book.
i know i should read some english materials.
but, i also learnt sumthin good from this marvellous novel!
act, when i was reading diz novel a few days ago, it touched me in a very great way.
now i noe that it is not easy to take care of a relationship.
especially in the family.
a small family, but the positions is high.
wut i mean here is...
the mother - CEO of a company
the same goes to the father.

so, there are too many conflicts in this novel.
basically, love conflicts.
not only dat, but it across the world.
across many cultures and religions.

so, it's not easy to take care of others feelings.
it's hard to lost the love that we've shared before with our beloved ones.

i admit that family is really important in everybody's life.
*siapakah kita tanpa famili kita??*

the same goes to our siblings...
it's hard to accept the facts if our brother ke..sister ke..involved in an accident!

can u imagine one of ur siblings was involved in airplane crashed??
wut worst is we dun noe whether he's alive or not...

one more thing..
can u imagine that u r going to have another mother..or..stepmother???
*yg lg lawa, lg cun, lg pndai amek aty ur daddy*

ssh kn..
but we as human..
it is part and parcel of life...

jagelah hubungan anda dengan famili sebaik mungkin ea!


06 November 2009

love nite???

i am boring. (pdhal keje byk gle....)
i don't know y.
i just make my facebook alive.
so, just have a look2...(ape pnye ayat neyh??)

ternampak facebook aziz.
one of my frens in ipba.
so, just explored his facebook.
saw his url's blog.

done sumthing.
reading his blog.
nice blog..
but, it reminds me sumthin..

love.. love.. love..

actually, it has been a long tyme didn't write bout love.

act, reminds me about my love. (poyo poyo poyo!)
i read lots bout him, love, bulan puase..
mcm2 larh!

suddenly, i remembered him.
idk where is he now...(msuk u dh kowt!)

he has changed lots!
people changed.
time changed.

teringat plak an zmn2 remaje dlu2.
soooo sweet..
because, both of us were very innocent..
poyo skali lg.

act, i miss him.
maybe not..
i miss the love that we've shared before..

we were frens since primary school..

i don't think dat i'm going to have this kind of love anymore..

it was my fault..
n he couldn't accept it..
so sorry....
i've never mean that..
i've never mean to bring u lies...MySpace
from da heart.. i'm giving u everything..

we were not mean together..

i just wanna ask u sumthin.
y did u come into my life..

bring ur happines along wif u..
n broke up in front of me..
then, gave me some fake hopes..
after few sweet moments..
just went away without any news..

it's that what is love all about??

u hurt me.
i hate u.
i hate u.
i hate u.
n i really hate myself because i love u.

until now..
still loving u..
but, maybe..
for da last time.
i've found another love.

love to myself!

there's no use if we love somebody else, but not ourself.


i decided to throw away u from my mind.

get lost!


slowly la..


just put in my mind.

focusing on my study.



just come...

n, please cheer up my life...

experience makes us more mature...


p/s- i have a dream..
a song to sing...
to help me cope..MySpace
with anything...

02 November 2009

mission accomplished!

yay! nothing more can i say than alhamdulillah. everything's was so great! my frens and me (PPISMP Tesl) done it with such in great ways! we've prepared for a long time, n didn't sleep... hahahha!! (am i lying???) hahaa! idts that i'm lying. becoz, all i can see was da coorperation between da group members, and also the whole class. but, not only my own class, but also others. they were so creative in representing their exhibition. i reallly shocked that dat da response from other students were so amazing! i expected dat there's nobody will come to or exhibition, but it was totally wrong! so... it was totally great!! we were evaluated by Mr. Manoharan (my EI lecturer),Madam Tan Aig Bee (i love u) my mentor, Sir Monaharan, our HOD, Dr. Suraya. i juz wanna say say congrats to al my frens from PPISMP 1.1-1.6. u guys did a great job!! thanx to all, especially my group..hana, sheema n my. and also my mentor as well as my ss lecturer's. thanx!! danke..!!

my exhibition centre

my topic-multiculturalism

my dearest classmates n mentor, Madam Tan..

i really njoyed diz exhibition. this was da 1st tyme i was involved in diz kind of xhibition. so.. i hope dat we will get gud marks 4 diz task. thanx to all!! :D