be4 i start da story telling(maklumlah, primary school teacher to be).

i juz wanna tell u all bout yesterday.
apsal formal gle neyh??

so, had a nice day with frau dnin, sir pp n cikgu syazwan (abe we) yesterday.
so, reached mid valley at 10 a.m.
waiting for these two handsome guys (almost spelled wrongly, gays!!aahahaha)
niat sebenar n asalnya, nk menonton harry potter n half blood prince.
agak menyayat hati..........................
professor dye yg ade jambang putih siap buleyh ikat tue
*(ape name beliau erh???)*matiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

sdeyh sdeyh!!
x tawu nape aku feeling abes tgk cter tue.
hp da smkin matang.
ade cium ciuman lak

sblom neyh ade kew???
ke aku yg x prasan???
oke oke.
so, i met with my seniors (KMP n IPBA)..
hamboi hamboi abg disiplin....(i forgot wut is his name)-KMP's senior
jln ngan awek...
baju pown same..
"awk purple, saye pown purple lah.."kate kate beliau sblom dating ngan awek beliau..
i guessed laa!!
tp, anda berdua sngt
sblom menonton hp, kami singgah di MPH.
aku berjaya membeli brg2 assignments la, bla n bla...
sebanyak rm 50.30!
but, it was not normal 4 sir pp.
abes aku kne bebel ngan dye.
x jimatla..
n bla bla bla...
kate beliau, di tesco lebih murah.
sanggupkah aku ke tesco??
tgk r dlu.
xpe, lpas neyh suro dye beli je kt tesco, then bwk ke IPBA!
BEST PART (tiru sir feze)frau dnin n sir pp da bertukar bear.
sngt cumel bear bear tersebut!!!
dlm cinema, masing2 plok teddy bear msing2.
.*(kononnya sejuk r...padahal.............) romance..........................................
(sorry, i don't have da pic of da cutie bear)
no popcorns, no orange juices.
becoz, sir pp ckp....
'kite nk tgk wayang, bkn nk mkn. kita tak boleh buat dua benda dlm satu masa'
so, i shut up my mouth n gave my focus on the cute hermione,ron n hp.
*wat wat x denga jew..*afta da movie, so we moved on.
pp n abe we going back to IPT.
while me n frau adnin, went upstairs (poyo jewlaaa!!)...
no no..
went to the Oasis Foodcourt.
so, we had nice meals there.
*abes lg duwet aku...*so, that's all bout yesterday.
but, today i'm really not feeling well.
heavy headache, sejukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
especially dlm klas.
gleeee sejukkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!
so, mmg agak bad mood today.
ditambah pula ngan assignments yg menggila..
mencurah curah ke bahu!

mmg dasat la nk jadik cikgu pown.
xpe xpe.
jgn merungut!!
njoy doing ur assignments!

so, i called my mum during the late evening.
my mum adviced me
not to go outside, guys.....
next week korang planned nk tgk the proposal kan??
i mcm x leyh ikowt u guys je!

my mum tgh risaukan i di kedah memandangkan musim demam.
tanak ckp r psal h1n1.
nyesal lak bgtawu.
tp, this is me.
klu saket jew, ngadu kt mak.
org pertama!!
i miss my mum.
dala bln 8 x balek!!
can't imagine that la....
sdeyhnye i.......................

so, terpaksa berjimat cermat kali neyh.
naseb my mum nk kasik duwet!
tp, my mum ckp, klu x jimat cermat, mmg tanak kasik!!!
ikat perut la nmpaknya..
*kurus kurus*ble buleh tgur
kak mira??
da lame x nmpak itu
beautiful akak laa!

so, that's all la.
saket kpale.
so, esok nk wat check up tuk h1n1.
-the end-